Home Page


School Attendance Target



Current Attendance Achieved

96.3% (Below Target)

Welcome to our school attendance page.


From here you will find our Attendance Policy, advice on attendance matters and weekly updates on class attendance. 


“Reducing absence and persistent absence is a vital and integral part of schools’ and local

authorities’ work to:

  • Promote children’s welfare and safeguarding;
  • Ensure every pupil has access to the full time education to which they are entitled;
  • Ensure that pupils succeed whilst at school; and
  • Ensure that pupils have access to the widest possible range of opportunities when they leave school.”

(Department for Children, Education and Families)

Attendance Documents

Advice on Attendance


Please remember that children need to be in school between 8.45am and 8.55am.


If your child is ill, please remember to phone the school office on the first day of absence then, on the day your child returns to school, send in a follow-up letter explaining reasons for absence.


Medical appointments, where possible, should be made outside of school hours. Where this is not possible and a morning appointment is made, children should be brought in to school first thing to get their attendance mark.  A letter must always be sent to the class teacher detailing the reason, time and date the child is to be collected. Children should be returned to school as soon as possible after the appointment.


If your child has suffered from sickness or diarrhoea they must not return to school for at least 48 hours from the last bout, as they may still be contagious.


Exceptional Circumstances.

Parents may request a leave of absence form from the school office and it will be up to the Headteacher to decide if authorisation is to be granted under exceptional circumstances.


We take our responsibility to ensure high attendance and punctuality very seriously and work closely with the LA Education Welfare Officer in order to secure the government’s minimum attendance target of 95% for all pupils.


Please note that family holidays will not be authorised.
