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Autumn Term Topics

Autumn Term 1: Why do you love me so much?

What is special about me? How do we show that we care? Explore these questions and more in this project about love, families and how people are the same and different.

Areas covered:
Communication and language; Physical development; Personal, social and emotional development; Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the world; Expressive arts and design.

Possible lines of enquiry in this topic might be:

  • love
  • families
  • friends
  • home
  • all about me

Autumn Term 2: Why do leaves go crispy?

Why do leaves go crispy? What's inside a conker? Explore these questions and more in this project about the season of autumn.

Areas covered:
Communication and language; Physical development; Personal, social and emotional development; Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the world; Expressive arts and design.

Possible lines of enquiry for this topic might be:

  • autumn
  • harvest
  • conkers and other autumn treasures
  • adaptation of animals to seasonal change
  • fruits and seeds