St Joseph's Overall Curriculum Intent
We are inspired by St Joseph the worker who dedicated his life to Christ. We deliver a bespoke, rich and broad curriculum that develops children’s knowledge, skills and talents for now, for the future and to make the world an even better place. We embrace a lifelong journey where everyone is equally valued and equipped to be creative and discover new learning. Learners develop the skills to work both independently and collaboratively, be determined, curious, and memorise important facts.
Our curriculum is SMART:
S – Skill-based
M – Memorable (long term)
A - Accessible
R – Recollection of knowledge
T – Transferable
We develop lifelong learning behaviours across all aspects of school:
• Independent Iguana
• Determined Donkey
• Curious Crocodile
• Resilient Rhinoceros
• Team Working Tiger
• Memorising Monkey
• Listening Leopard
We follow the National Curriculum and ensure that at every level, in all our work and through all aspects of the school community and its life, everyone will be treated equally, reflecting the Equality Act 2010 and that the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations are complied with, making the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs. We will not discriminate against the protected characteristics: age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
In order to promote diversity and equality for all, we embed the teaching of equality and British Values through our curriculum.
If you have any questions about our curriculum, please do not hesitate in contacting us via the school office.
Individual Subject Intent Statements
Science Curriculum Intent
In Science, our pupils progressively develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary through structured and memorable experiences. They develop the ability to think independently and raise questions about working scientifically and the knowledge and skills that it brings. Our pupils’ confidence and competence in the full range of practical skills is encouraged and their curiosity is nurtured in, for example, planning and carrying out scientific investigations of discovery. Pupils demonstrate their determination to develop scientific knowledge, understanding and vocabulary in written and oral explanations, solving challenging problems and reporting scientific findings. Our Science curriculum inspires, in our pupils, high levels of originality, creativity or innovation in the application of skills. Our pupils’ ability to work independently and collaboratively to undertake tasks is fostered in a variety of contexts, such as observing ‘Our Changing World’. Our Science curriculum is differentiated so that it is accessible to all learners and supports a range of learning styles.
Through this intent, we aim for our pupils’ inspiration to develop a lifelong passion for science and its application in past, present and future technologies.
History Curriculum Intent
In History, our pupils progressively develop their knowledge of people, events and skills, along with the ability to think critically about history. They develop their ability to communicate ideas (using historical evidence) with confidence, in styles appropriate to a range of audiences, through structured and memorable experiences. Pupils’ passion for history is fostered through creative and enthusiastic engagement in the discovery of new learning, which develops their sense of curiosity about the past and their understanding of how and why people interpret the past in different ways.
Their ability to support, evaluate and challenge their own and others’ views using memorised details, appropriate and accurate historical evidence (derived from a range of sources) is nurtured consistently. Independently and collaboratively, our pupils are encouraged to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate the past, formulating and refining questions and lines of enquiry. They are encouraged to be determined and embrace challenging activities, including opportunities to undertake high quality research across a range of history topics. Through this intent, we aim for our pupils’ inspiration to develop a lifelong passion to discover, understand and learn from the past and, where appropriate, make connections to current historical events.
Geography Curriculum Intent
In Geography, our pupils progressively develop knowledge of where places are and what they are like, an understanding of the ways in which places are interdependent and interconnected and how much human and physical environments are interrelated. Through memorable experiences and learning activities, our pupils discover, and build on, an extensive base of geographical knowledge and vocabulary. Their determination is encouraged in the development of fluency in complex geographical enquiry, the ability to apply questioning skills and use effective, analytical and presentational techniques. Independently and collaboratively, our pupils are encouraged to develop the ability to reach clear conclusions, develop a reasoned argument to explain findings and express well-balanced opinions rooted in very good knowledge and understanding about current and contemporary issues in society and the environment. They are encouraged to develop significant levels of originality, imagination or creativity as shown in interpretations and representations of the subject matter. Pupils’ lifelong passion for - and commitment to - the subject, along with a real sense of curiosity to find out about the world and the people who live in it, is fostered by fieldwork and other geographical skills and techniques, including the memorisation of interesting and important facts.
Computing Curriculum Intent
In Computing, our pupils progressively develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary through structured and memorable experiences. We insist that they connect with others safely and respectfully, understanding the need to act with moral and ethical integrity, including reporting inappropriate content. Pupils are inspired to understand and creatively solve problems which enhance our world through curiosity and use of computational thinking. They discover and develop an understanding of the connected nature of devices. Our pupils’ ability to communicate ideas well by using applications and devices across the curriculum is fostered both independently and collaboratively.
Pupils develop the determination to collect, organise and manipulate data effectively.
Through this intent, we aim for our pupils’ inspiration to develop a lifelong passion for computing and its application in past, present and future technologies.
Music Curriculum Intent
In Music, our pupils progressively develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary through structured and memorable experiences. They progress in their listening skills and are encouraged to recognise that musical understanding is underpinned by high levels of aural perception, internalisation and knowledge of music. Our pupils’ determination to progressively improve their technical expertise is fostered. When responding to music, pupils are encouraged to give precise written and verbal explanations, using musical terminology effectively, accurately and appropriately. They extend the repertoire which they use to create original, creative, fluent and distinctive composing and performance work, both independently and collaboratively. We foster children’s curiosity,
embracing questions about the historical, social and cultural origins of music. Through exposure to a diverse range of musical styles, they discover and gain a developing awareness and appreciation of different musical traditions, experiences and genres. Through this intent, we aim for our pupils’ inspiration to develop a lifelong passion to experience and appreciate a diverse range of music.
RE Curriculum Intent
At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Religious Education encompasses all aspects of school life and our community engagement. Pupils are encouraged to be inspired by Christ and become an example to others through the way they live their beliefs. Our pupils creatively and progressively develop their religious knowledge, skills and vocabulary through structured and memorable experiences. They are encouraged to be determined in their discovery, curiosity and understanding of how the beliefs, values, practices and ways of life within any religion cohere together. They are given opportunities to deepen their experience of - and relationship with - God, asking wondering questions about the meaning and significance of His existence. Our pupils work independently and collaboratively to link the study of religion and beliefs with personal reflections on meaning and purpose. Through this, they make progress in spiritual, moral and liturgical understanding.
Pupils progressively become biblically literate. They develop the ability to ask significant and reflective questions about religion and demonstrate an understanding of its meaning. Through this deeper understanding, they become spiritually resilient, appreciating the guidance and reassurance that scripture and religion provides. Through this intent, we aim for our pupils to develop a lifelong spiritual journey which is inspired by Christ.
MFL Curriculum Intent
In Languages, our pupils progressively develop their knowledge, skills and vocabulary through structured and memorable experiences. They develop the confidence and resilience to speak a modern foreign language with good intonation and pronunciation. They are encouraged, independently and collaboratively, to build up their own prior knowledge towards fluency in reading the language. Pupils’ curiosity towards memorable recollection of knowledge of the language, vocabulary and imagination in their writing is fostered. They discover the culture of the countries where the language is spoken. Through listening, memorising, reading and writing, pupils develop a passion for languages, determination to use the language and a commitment to the subject, building their ability to use language creatively and spontaneously. In the long term, pupils display the ability to use their transferable skills linked to their independence in their studies, and the capability to draw upon a wide range of resources. Through this intent, we aim for our pupils’ inspiration to develop a lifelong passion to investigate and learn new languages.
DT Curriculum Intent
In DT, our pupils progressively develop technical knowledge, skills and vocabulary through structured and memorable experiences.
We strive for children to work both independently and collaboratively using a ‘design, make and evaluate’ model and develop determination to refine their product, showing an understanding of users’ needs.
We inspire children to take innovative creative risks in order to produce prototypes, applying their mathematical knowledge.
Pupils develop the curiosity to carry out research discovering up-to-date technological innovations in materials, systems and products, raising questions and developing initiative.
Children also develop the skills to work safely with tools, equipment and materials, as well as manage risks to produce products safely and hygienically.
As such, we inspire a lifelong passion for DT to become designers who are resilient to the eco logical demands in this evolving world.
PE Curriculum Intent
In PE, our pupils progressively develop their knowledge, skills and vocabulary through structured and memorable experiences.
Their positive attitudes towards PE are nurtured, enabling them to develop a growing interest in PE, so that they engage fully within lessons.
Our pupils demonstrate determination to practise skills within a wide range of different activities and situations, both independently and collaboratively, and apply these skills to achieve improving levels of performance.
They develop the ability to take the initiative, lead, organise, officiate and instil good sporting attitudes in themselves and others.
Our pupils’ ability to remain physically active for sustained periods of time is encouraged.
Pupils discover the importance of exercise in promoting long-term health and emotional well-being.
They understand additional factors in leading a healthy lifestyle, including eating sensibly and avoiding harmful substances.
Our PE curriculum inspires a high level of originality, imagination and creativity in techniques, tactics and choreography, and pupils discover how to improve their own and others’ performances.
When evaluating performance, pupils’ curiosity is fostered through encouragement to consider ways of improving their skills.
Pupils continue swimming lessons until they demonstrate the ability to swim at least 25m, and know how to remain safe in and around water.
Through this intent, our pupils are inspired to lead a physically fit and healthy lifestyle, and recognise the lifelong benefits to themselves.
Art Curriculum Intent
In Art, our pupils’ knowledge, skills and vocabulary progressively develop through structured and memorable experiences.
Our Art curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to gain knowledge and understanding of a range of artists, craft makers and designers.
Pupils’ curiosity and discovery is fostered as they select and use materials, processes and techniques, realising intentions and capitalising on the unexpected.
Our pupils develop the ability to draw with growing confidence from observation, memory and imagination.
Through skills development and determination, they explore and invent marks, develop and deconstruct ideas, communicating their perspectives powerfully, through purposeful drawing in 2D, 3D or in digital media. Pupils are given the opportunity to communicate fluently in both visual and tactile form.
Our pupils’ ability to work independently and collaboratively using their initiative and originality to develop their creativity to undertake tasks.
They are inspired to be resilient, think, and act like practitioners by using their knowledge and understanding to inform, inspire and interpret ideas, learning from both the artistic process and techniques of great artists and artisans throughout history.
Our Art curriculum inspires pupils to reflect on, analyse and evaluate their own work, and that of others, to a high level of originality, imagination and creativity in techniques.
Through this intent, our pupils are encouraged to develop a passion for, and a commitment to the subject.
Maths Curriculum Intent
At St. Joseph’s, pupils master maths so that they acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.
Our pupils’ knowledge, skills and vocabulary progressively develop through structured and memorable experiences.
Pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of written and mental calculations and techniques, through varied and frequent practice.
They become fluent in their knowledge and recall of number facts, and strive to have ‘facts at their fingertips’.
Our pupils develop the ability to think independently to build resilience and determination when faced with challenges. They are encouraged to embrace the value of learning from mistakes and false starts.
They work collaboratively to reason, generalise, make sense of solutions and discover an appreciation of mathematical pattern. When following lines of enquiry, pupils’ curiosity is fostered and encouraged.
They solve problems creatively and efficiently within a wide range of contexts with increasing sophistication, making connections within maths, other subjects and the wider world.
At all times, pupils strive to use precise mathematical language and speak in complete sentences.
Through this intent, we aim for our pupils to develop a lifelong commitment to and passion for this fascinating and enjoyable subject.
PSHE Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (including RSE) Relationships and Sex Education Intent
While promoting Catholic values and virtues, we ensure that pupils are offered a balanced program where they progressively develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary through structured and memorable experiences - ongoing learning experiences rather than one-off events. Much of the content is experienced in a cross-curricular manner and pupils are encouraged to memorise important facts.
Pupils discover a curiosity for and develop a knowledge of their world - locally, nationally and globally - and a confidence to creatively tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up within it.
Pupils recognise the importance of rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.
Pupils develop their self-worth by developing their own God-given attributes and playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
Pupils develop independent and collaborative working skills as they look for opportunities to demonstrate the school’s SMART values and undertake leadership opportunities.
Pupils develop lifelong positive and successful relationships within their own family, peer groups and society, both as a child and as an adult in the future.
Pupils participate in age appropriate RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) lessons as they progress through the school, delivered through the ‘Journey in Love’ Religious Education program (with parental consent). They also participate in lessons focusing on the provision of basic First Aid.
Through this intent, we aim for our pupils’ inspiration to have positive relationships and lead a mentally and physically fit and healthy lifestyle, recognising the lifelong benefits to themselves.
Subject Specific Fluency Skills
Key vocabulary development
KS1 - continents, seas, countries/capital cities of UK notable key human and physical features
KS2 – extend to Europe and World Map
History -
Key vocabulary development
Chronology - Key historical periods and events.
Key vocabulary development
Design, Make, Evaluate process.
Technical Knowledge
Key vocabulary development
Design, Make, Evaluate
Technical Knowledge
Key vocabulary development
Working Scientifically
Key vocabulary development
Access skills – Log on, saving, shutdown, folder creation, typing
Online Safety
Key vocabulary development
Health and Safety
Basic Skills progression
Key vocabulary development – everyday language (developed during registration times, daily recording of the date, weather etc)
Key vocabulary development
Music appreciation and experience of genres.
Key vocabulary development
Bible knowledge – story knowledge, Gospel knowledge, New/Old Testament, Bible reference skills, key theme scripture sources
Liturgical calendar
Knowledge of key events in world faiths
Key vocabulary development
Experience of writing genres – cross curricular
Experience of a range of texts – daily class text
Spellings and phonic knowledge
Number bonds and multiplication
Rapid reasoning – variation (skill developed in a different context) and application
Fast five tasks - calculation revision
Following the Governments rationale on assessment without levels, St Joseph's assesses and reports on the children's knowledge and understanding within their year group expectations. If a child is showing understanding below year group expectations, they are considered to be working towards (WT). If a child is able to show evidence of standards expected within the year group, they are considered to be working at the expected standard (EXS). Where pupils show a deeper cognitive understanding, they will be able to work more independently and show a greater depth understanding (GDS).