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Spring Term Topics

Spring Term 1: Why can't I have chocolate for breakfast?

Why can't I have chocolate for breakfast? Which food types are healthy? Explore these questions and more in this project about food, mealtimes and nutrition.

Areas covered:
Communication and language; Physical development; Personal, social and emotional development; Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the world; Expressive arts and design.

Possible lines for enquiry might be:

  • different types of food
  • the sensory properties of food
  • healthy and non-healthy food
  • cooking and baking
  • chocolate

Spring Term 2: Are eggs alive?

Are eggs alive? What are buds? Explore these questions and more in this project about the things that happen in the world around us in the season of spring.

Areas covered: Communication and language; Physical development; Personal, social and emotional development; Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the world; Expressive arts and design.

Possible lines of enquiry are:

  • ducks and ducklings
  • frog and frogspawn
  • eggs
  • Easter celebrations
  • trees, blossom and spring flowers
  • weather